Eén van de zangers van ons koor is lid van deze kerkgemeenschap en had deze dienst mede voorbereid. Voor het politiekoor een heel nieuwe omgeving om te zingen. Het koor heeft wel eerder meegewerkt aan een kerkdienst, maar nog nooit in Amsterdam en ook nog nooit voor een speciale doelgroep, de homogemeenschap.
Utrechts Politie Mannenkoor Excelsior |
Zelf vroegen wij in de voorbede aandacht voor de, van de week,
tijdens de dienst bij een verkeersongeluk omgekomen collega Lucas uit Woerden en
zijn familie.
Dominee Jan Meynen ( een zoon van dominee Meynen die in Utrecht
gestaan heeft) had een geweldige preek, met als leidraad de zeven vette en
zeven magere jaren in Egypte.Keizersgrachtkerk |
Het was mooi weer, maar het was ook zeker zeer de moeite waard om bij deze dienst aanwezig te zijn.
Na de dienst met Jenneke ( zus van Riet) en Peter op een terras
aan het Rembrandplein wat gedronken en gegeten.
Greetings in Christ our Lord. I belong to Christian-Brethren. In 1976, when I was in high school (grade 10), I went to Summer Bible School. With the sports and games that preach in the Bible about Israel's exodus in the Bible, chapter 12 came through, the Passover lamb, which refers to innuendo, reasoning from slavery to sin and slavery or Satan. The Holy Spirit worked in me, confessed my sins with tears, accepted Lord Jesus as my Savior after the church came, witnessing the baptisms in the river. Dedicated to the Lord's ministry. With studies, the Lord used His testimony for me in youth and Sunday schools and in the Church. This is my rescue experience. He asked to give him a chance to do 2 years of work, get a job in construction, as a supervisor, after obeying his ministry at the age of 30. Dedicated in 1990, Get the Married the same year. After I graduated as a BA and civil engineer to the start of my spiritual journey, the Lord called me to full-time service. I'm Paster, Evangelist, I've got the family, Wife is Annie, She's in a full-time evangelistic service too. My wife works with women and children. We have two children, they are studying. For prayer and association I will send you a ministry: 1. Have a small church that preaches the gospel in that doctrine of God 2. Prayer cells 3. Home Bible studies 4. Evangelism for individuals and groups and in general 5. Sports ministry 6 Evangelism in the prison, 7. Tribal Gospel Tours 8. Youth retreats 9. Sunday School 10 Sunday School and Sunday Teacher Training 11. Accessibility ,, Outreaches in nearby towns and villages. Proclaim the gospel in the streets with a megaphone and distribute tracts, with continuous editing programs 12. Show grace by teaching chacolats, such as Sunday school. with continuing editors 13. Hand out old (collected) clothes to the old and needy. We want to make friends to serve on missions for Christ. Hand out old (collected) clothes to the old and needy. Help the poor and needy. 14. Provide medical camps for the poor. 15. We want to make friends to serve on missions for Christ. Address: Br. Prathipati Paul Raju ,, Evangelist, Prison Chaplain, Bethesda GDM Christian Assembly Church, Old Town, At Pond, H. Nr. 15-20-8, Opp.NTR park Gate, TANUKU-534211, Andhra Prades, INDIA.